InBus Engineering, Inc. receives many Year 2000 inquiries regarding its products or services. If you have a specific question regarding a specific product please contact the InBus Year 2000 Project Coordinator. InBus takes Year 2000 concerns seriously. If InBus can reasonably assist the customer, it will endeavor to do so. OEM customers fully understand that hardware items do not create Year 2000 problems; software does. All customers should have the same sensitivity and focus on software. In addition to looking at whatever software that came with or is embedded in a product, the customer needs to examine its entire array of software applications, and combinations of software and hardware applications. Depending upon its origin, InBus can try to provide some information on hardware product that it sold. Beyond that the customer must complete its own investigation of the far more serious questions of how hardware and software products run in application. InBus Engineering, Inc. sells, repairs, or manufactures thousands of different hardware products. InBus focuses on end of life products. Software associated with older design hardware products may have greater Year 2000 sensitivity as the software is often old as well. Since there is no industry standard for "Year 2000" compliance, general assurances are inappropriate, could be misleading, and perhaps in many instances are impossible. All InBus Engineering, Inc. products meet the standards of the industry in the year they were designed. The design of some of these products date back as far as 1975. Older designs contain greater risk of Year 2000 problems. There are basically three categories of products: Products made by a manufacturer other than InBus (almost always Intel); products manufactured by InBus under license; and products designed and manufactured by InBus Engineering, Inc. In general the customer should understand that InBus Engineering, Inc. does not design or market software. A Year 2000 problem generally arises only with respect to the software application created for or embedded in a product, or added later. Therefore the customers engineering staff must accept full responsibility for verifying the Year 2000 capabilities of a particular product in a particular application. If you have questions, or need a source of help, please contact us. ANY YEAR 2000 WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE) IS HEREBY NEGATED AND DENIED. InBus Engineering, Inc. does not agree to any Year 2000 warranty whether as part of a purchase order or otherwise. InBus is not insensitive to the concerns of its customers. Please understand that InBus principal business is to supply end of life products. These were products designed long before the industry had an awareness of the Year 2000 problem. Consequently any Year 2000 warranty is impractical and impossible. If you recognize your problem InBus can try to help you resolve it; but InBus cannot warrant that the product is free of Year 2000 issues. If you have any questions or are otherwise in need of further assistance please contact the InBus Year 2000 project coordinator at 925-454-2500 or email to You may also wish to consult this website from time to time for possible information updates. |